Thursday, October 9, 2008

Tom Williams Interview - I knew he was young But I did not realise he still had a dummy!

Tom Williams in an exit interview with Who Magazine says it was the judges bias that got him eliminated, not his lack of talent.

WTF??? I thought the judges were far to complimentary considering Uptown Girl would probably rate in my top 5 of Idol's worse performances ever. Actually make that top 3.

He also states that they judges are rigging the show as they want Wes Carr to win.

Tom obviously is having a dummy spit - and clearly thinks he is more talented then he actually is.


Anonymous said...

He does seem to be lacking... perspective? Self-awareness? The ability to realise that he was really, well, crap? Anyway, I picked up from his post-boot interviews that he doesn't seem fond of Wes - all other boot-ees have been putting Wes in their "win" spot, and raving about him as a person, but Tom picked Luke (and said something backhanded about Wes).

Reality Raver said...

His likeability is zero. I think he will find it difficult to have a career post Idol.