Tuesday, November 11, 2008

The Chopping Block - Hotel Eden v Courthouse

The episode tonight could have been titled Chef Wants A Wife, with Tim the Chef/Owner of the Courthouse restaurant, declaring he was single every time a camera was anywhere near him. Was he using The Chopping Block as a way of picking up a girl, not for the cash?

Tonight the episode was located in the town of Berwick in Victoria which is a bit of a foodie town.

Both of the competing teams were struggling to stay afloat. The Courthouse was an upmarket serving Mod Oz cuisine. Mod Oz as defined by this restaurant a lot of different ingredients on a plate.

Hotel Eden was all different types of cuisine but a lot of it was frozen or pre-prepped. The bought in frozen beef pattie looked particularly unappetising.

There was the usual scathing review from the critic Alan Saunders, who is good, but he can sometimes come across as a bit snooty.

This week both the owners of the premises were both prepared to listen to the advice Matt Moran, and also seemed to have more experience in the hospitality industry.

I think this helped on the reopening night where the the kitchens worked well. On previous shows this evening usually results in some chaos in the kitchen, lost dockets, and delayed meals.

The food did look much improved in both premises but The Courthouse took the $20,000 first prize.

Courthouse has its own website, and it has kept the Matt Moran dishes on the menu. And if any girls are interested you are able to contact Tim on this site.

Hotel Eden - chef Walter

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