Thursday, May 1, 2008

If You Missed the Paula Abdul Debacle on American Idol Last Night

The American Idol forums are on fire after the Paula Abdul stuff up last night when she started commenting on songs that had yet to be sung.

If you missed it you can see her confusion here. It is hilarious.

The debate raging is whether the producers write her lines, or is she on the drink or drugs or both?? You decide.


Anonymous said...

Scroll down a bit for Paula's chat with Ryan (on Ryan's radio show) about the debacle.

Reality Raver said...

Was that an interview or a Ryan Seacrest monologue.

They said that they were unprepared for the top five to be brought out and critique at that moment.

But Randy coped with it, and did not talk about the second song. also in the footage from last night she said she say "I thought they sang two songs?"

Also she said because of the change in plan she was hurriedly trying to write down notes. if they were not going to comment on the first songs until they had all finish their second wouldn't they have already taken notes so they would not forget what they thought of the songs.

Damage control in action - I bet it is the only interview Paula does all day on this issue.

Anonymous said...

Sure there is manipulation on the show, but I truly believe that Paula is a scattered brain and really got frazzled by the last minute notice. It doesn't explain why she would think that Jason has already performed twice, but then at the top of the show Ryan clearly said the judges would only comment after round 2. So I can buy that the judges were writing down the comments after the first round.

Some of the stuff that Paula comes up with...can only come from Paula.

P.S. Ryan's show is a radio show and would have people drop by to chat, not formal interviews at all.

Sue B said...

I still think Paula was reading from cards she had used from the rehearsal process. She's odd but not THAT odd.